A revolutionary simple, easy to use system
for displaying the grips

GRIP, the way of holding the tennis racket in order to hit the shots during a match. All professional players change grips during a match, depending on what shot they’re attempting.

Map, the symbolic depiction highlighting the relationships between the tennis racket’s elements.

GRIPMAPis the only system of identifying and displaying all the possible tennis grips, using a simple and intuitive color-code assignment device that not only teaches you how to hold the tennis racket during a point, but most importantly, makes it super-easy to spot within a split second the right grip recommended for that particular shot you're attempting. The device is composed out of two elements, both placed on the tennis racket handler. Let's take a look at it ...

A.Rubber Ring
A rubber ring placed on the upper side of the handler, divided into 8 (eight) rectangular colored sides, one for each of the octagonal handler sides/bevels.
B.Self-adhesive Octagon
A self-adhesive octagon-shaped piece, divided into 8 (eight) triangular colored sides, one for each of the octagonal handler sides/bevels, placed on the back of the tennis racket handler.